Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I was pretty shocked to hear that Favre is retiring today. I was even more surprised to hear that Green Bay not making much of a try at Moss had anything to do with it. You can't listen to ESPN for more than 5 minutes without hearing something about Favre's "sour grapes" and already people are criticizing him for handling this poorly. I'm convinced that Moss did have something to do with his decision, but I'm not so sure that I blame him or that it is "sour grapes". I t seems perfectly understandable to me that, if he is as mentally tired as he says he is, there would be some dream situation that would keep him around a little longer. Favre and Moss have always wanted to play together and for the second straight off-season that has been a possibility. I don't necessarily criticize Thompson for not really going after Moss, though I wish he would have. He's proven that he knows what he's doing. We can be talked into or out of almost anything if the currency is right, and as Favre moves closer to retirement, as his girls get older, as he slowly wears down, as he widens the age gap between him and his teammates, and after he's set every imaginable career passing record that currency get more and more specific. He is in no way "sticking it to the organization" or reacting purely on emotions (as though he hasn't thought this through for several years), he's just doing what we have all been expecting him to do for a long time. He was three points away from the Super Bowl this year, second in the league in yards, and he proved to his critics that he still has what it takes (some bad habits included). He's right that only a Super Bowl win can top that. It's been over a decade since his last one.
At the end of the day I'll always take the league's all time passing leader over a guy with 59 career attempts. And I'm almost as big a Favre fan as I am a Packer fan. We're going to miss him, for sure, but I think this will be good. Quarterbacks are hard to come by (just look around the division) and we think we have our guy in Rodgers. Fitting him into an already proven young team that he's practiced extensively with and into a system he knows very well is NOT a problem by NFL standards. Ask the Bears if they want to trade quarterback problems.
I'll miss watching Brett play every week but I think Packer fans have a lot to look forward to. By the way, the picture up there is one that I took of Favre's last touchdown pass at the NFC title game.

1 comment:

Greg Gilbertson said...

Looks like I was way off on this one, eh?